Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lemony Parsley Salad 檸汁意大利芫茜沙津


  Are people considered to be unproductive when they are not employed?  If the people still engage in their lives and time to do things they love, but they just don't bring income, are they invalid?  I've been resting between jobs now.  While feeling happy that I can take a break doing something I enjoy, I can't help but feel guilty about using my time in this way.  A way that doesn't bring income, a way just about resting, a way just about forming a new routine I may like.  Fortunately, I do enjoy the life I am having and have been able to afford it.  Right now, I need just rest. 

  In order to adjust to the tighter budget routine, I made some changes.  No more extra money spent on clothing or cosmetics.  I used to do a lot of compulsive shopping and now it is actually a good time to alter myself.  For the grocery, I also budget carefully for each day and eliminate the food waste.  This part is actually a little tough since I am truly a foodie and think of eating all type of food constantly.  I've been manipulating "my rules" for a month; it isn't as difficult as I imagine.

One thing that makes me very uncomfortable is that I found myself having too much time and my social network is shrinking.  Not being able to work indeed limits the times I interact with people.  I miss the bustling sounds in the kitchen and all the laughers (even yelling) in the kitchen.  Now, I am a home cook.  Having to be in the kitchen with only my rules is fun of course, but it's very lonely.  There is no guidance, no comparison, no compliment.  Those four walls block me from the outside and no one actually knows what I am doing in my tiny little kitchen.  So I guess, making videos are the approach I take to connect with the world.  Funny is that I'm one of the ordinary people who feel crazily nervous in front of a camera.  Thanks for all the understanding for my stammers and mumbles.  They are the things I need to work on.  You see, I just find more things to do.  My life is actually very busy.


            Lemony Parsley Salad 檸汁意大利芫茜沙津

1 bunch Italian Flat Leaf Parsley
1 pc Lemon of Juice
1 pc Lemon of Zest
Olive Oil
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste


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